Tennessee Strong PAC Tags Phil Bredesen As Hillary Clinton-Supporting Opponent of President Trump

Tennessee Strong

The Tennessee Strong PAC has launched a new campaign tagging Democrat U.S. Senate candidate Phil Bredesen as a Hillary Clinton-supporting opponent of President Donald Trump and his Make America Great Again agenda.

The former Governor of Tennessee and Mayor of Nashville, who faces Republican nominee Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) in the November general election to succeed Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN), has built his campaign around attempts to persuade Tennesseans that he is a fair minded moderate who will examine President Trump’s proposals on their merits, without regard to partisan politics.

The Tennessee Strong PAC is having none of it, and is providing the hard hitting facts to back up its charges in a 30 second digital ad that demonstrates Bredesen is anything but a fair minded moderate.

You can watch the ad here:

The transcipt of the ad reads:

Phil Bredesen claims that he won’t tow the Democrat Party line in the Senate.

But Phil was hand picked to run by liberal Chuck Schumer.

It’s not surprising.

Phil has always supported liberal elites, donating almost half a million to their campaigns.

Bredesen even donated over $30,000 to Hillary Clinton.

Like Hillary, Phil joined Nancy Pelosi in criticizing President Trump’s tax cuts.

Don’t be fooled by phony Phillary.

A vote for him is a vote for Hillary.

Bredesen’s actions on the campaign trail provide additional evidence that, if elected, he will be another Democrat vote opposing the Trump agenda.

“Despite his claims to be a different kind of Democrat who will work with President Donald Trump when it helps Tennessee and oppose the partisanship that divides Washington DC along political lines, Phil Bredesen continues to align himself with the most partisan and extremist elements of the Democratic Party,” The Tennessee Star reported last week:

Bredesen has accepted donations from Tom Steyer, a California billionaire who is spending $100 million in an effort to impeach President Trump. And he has made over $460,000 in contributions himself to liberal Democratic candidates across the country, including Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren and the Presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton.

Yet, his campaign continues to promote him as an example of bi-partisanship and working across the political divide.

Monday evening Bredesen is holding a fundraiser featuring singer-songwriters Jason Isbell and Ben Folds at the Marathon Music Works in Nashville in what is billed as outreach to Tennesseans of “all political stripes.” Neither of the headliners for the event have any history of political activism that is not limited to liberal and progressive causes.

Folds endorsed Bernie Sanders in the 2016 Democratic presidential primary.  Clinton trounced Sanders in the Tennessee presidential primary contest; she was then soundly defeated by Trump by a margin of over 652,000 votes (61-35%).

Isbell has attacked Trump’s faith, and denounced Christians, specifically those who live in rural communities like those in Tennessee, who support the President.

The Tennessee Strong PAC, whose full name is Tennesseans for a Strong American Future PAC, says on its website it “promotes and supports policies that will restore America to greatness and respect,” a clear indication that it is fully supportive of President Trump’s Make America Great Again agenda.

“Our aim is to encourage grassroots action in local communities; spreading the word on how candidates stand on these bedrock principles we believe in, and encouraging Tennesseans to get out and vote. We depend on the active support and involvement of everyday Tennesseans who want an end to the double-talk and lies of the current politicians,” it says.

In addition to airing ads, the PAC is focused on developing a strong get-out-the-vote effort.







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3 Thoughts to “Tennessee Strong PAC Tags Phil Bredesen As Hillary Clinton-Supporting Opponent of President Trump”

  1. Bob Yahoo

    Like to hear his comment on Schumer trying to put 10,000 Somali refugees in Metro Nashville.

  2. Rick

    Marsha Blackburn needs to shout this from the rooftops, people need to know what Bredesen is. A democrat to raise tennessean’s taxes and impeach President Trump. Send this carpetbagger away.

  3. Stuart I. Anderson

    Bredesen’s entire campaign can be called “Operation Distraction.’ It simply boils down to whether he can distract the voters from the one and only campaign issue that matters viz. this senate race is a campaign in which voters will be able to vote for who they want to control the U. S. Senate, Republicans whose interest is in cooperating with the Trump agenda or liberal Democrats who are ideologically and emotionally opposed to that agenda. Conservatives simply must not let him get away with Operation Distraction!
